Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Blessing of Blessing!

Blessings on Your day! I've attached a video link to you tube which was shared with me by a new friend. I confess that I have a tendency to judge. It's probably a pretty common trait for us humans which of course doesn't justify our rampant overuse of the practice. Of course judgements are important in daily life as that is what life consists mostly of, making choices. We choose our foods (unless we have none), we choose where we live (unless we are a prisoner of some description), we choose our friends and mates (unless we are not free to do so), etc., etc., etc.. In our choices each of us has an opportunity to be "the body of Christ" as St Therese put it and we have the opportunity to practice "The Spirit with in me Blesses, Acknowledges, Sees, the Spirit with in You" as I understand is the meaning of "Namasti" within the Hindu tradition. I believe that the essence of the wisest choices are their focus on the Unconditional Love with which they are practiced. Please Lord, Bless me today and all ways with such a Spirit of Love and forgive me for the plethora of times in my life I've fallen short of this goal. Namasti! Pax Christi! RV A beautiful collage of thoughts and music relating to the blessing of blessing. I especially like the segment near the end which refers to the impossibility of judging and Blessing at the same time. This thought may seem simplistic but when you see another with love in your eyes and heart it usually makes lots of barriers and fears fall away. This dynamic is most readily seen and experienced with children and animals.

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