Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Beauty and Blessing of Music!

Thank You my God for giving me this day! I am doing my weekly volunteer stint at the Ashland Community Hospital in the Health Resource Center (Library). I was speaking to an old friend of mine, Donny, who was waiting for his wife, Kate, in surgery. Donny is what I would call a troubadour for God. He sings, whistles, plays guitar, and other instruments in service to the elderly of our community. He has a very good voice but a beautiful spirit within. It occurred that in an earlier post a few days ago I referred to the examples of Gods touch or presence within His creation. Among these were living water, rainbows, flowers, newborns, smiles, forgiveness, labyrinths and other forms of spiritual art. In this last mention could be considered Music but I believe that it is very deserving of its own mention although it is also truly art and in many cases spiritual. At the out set I would say that music is a gift from God which really sets humans apart from much of creation. I believe this to be true but at the same time it is important to remember the natural beauty of the music of birds of the air, whales of the deep, and many other of our partners in the beauty of Gods creation. The written word can also be an example of this gift. Probably the field of poetry is even more special as one could say that it is a melding of the written word and music. In our conversation Donny suggested a book of spiritually diverse but common themed poems called "Love Poems from God". by Daniel Ladinsky. Some of the authors I'm familiar with and some not but all seemed very worthwhile reading. Poetically Yours! RV

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