Sunday, April 28, 2013

This post by Richard may be a real good reasoning for this little jaunt into the Garden Isle.  Not that I need another good reason.  Hanging out with my son Michael has been wonderful all by it's self.  This is now the eighth day of the Pilgrimage, I believe.  Kind of loose track of time over here :0)  We came on island Wend
esday.  Spent the afternoon getting supplies and we did decide on a "rent-a-wreck" to make the travel about more effective.  So far we have visited the Hindu Temple twice and were very impressed both times.  Not likely either of us would ever become practicing Hindus but our conversations were very enjoyable.  Michael's employer is an Indian based I T Company so he was especially blessed with the visit.      

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day Two of the Pilgrimage

So as Michael finishes his last day of work I am attempting to work on some last minute details.  The Sun is trying to break out here in Laguna and looks like it will be a great day.  I was looking at a e-newsletter from the Hindu Monastery yesterday and saw something very interesting.  I will attempt to put the picture on here.  Further posts from RV will have to be via my phone so I hope I may continue this as a thread would be nice to look back on.
Well I believe the details are mostly in order and it's looking good so far!  Walking on the beach for a little while and occurred to me that the wave action is kind of symbolic of Life and the Transcendence of mankind.  That's about as deep as I'm going to get today.  Couldn't find what I was looking for to post here from the Hindu Monastery in Kapaa.  It's a video of their latest newsletter.  I showed the first picture to Michael (a group of devotees) and asked him if he saw anything unusual?  He answered "You mean something besides the woman dressed in white in the center who looks a lot like Sherita!" ! 

Monday, April 22, 2013

The" Pilgrimage"

Day one!  So I have headed South to Laguna Beach to meet up with Michael.  We are heading SW to Kauai this week.  I am calling this little get away a "Pilgrimage".  I will attempt to give forth some kind of an altruistic reason for calling this trip a pilgrimage.  Michael definitely needs a break from his new job so I have selflessly offered to go with him to keep him out of trouble :0)  So today I'm just hanging out in Laguna since the poor boy has to work the next two days.  Walking downtown to the Laguna Coffee House I passed by a hedge made of Jasmine flowers and then saw one of my favorite little trees, a Japanese Cryptomaria, and then a rose garden all in the same block.  I think this could be a very nice place to live. 
We intend to return to Kauai where we all gathered for Sheritas Memorial in '09.  That was the last time my three(Oregon) kids and I took a vacation together.  Even considering the reason for the trip we had a blast.  This time however Michael and I want to check out some of the more remote areas of the Island.  Among other places we intend to visit the Hindu Monastery on the Wailua River.  So there you have it ; Our pilgrimage is to integrate the ancient traditions of the Hindu faith, one of the most beautiful examples of Gods creation in the island itself, our Christian heritage, and the spirit of Sherita.  That works for me!  Pax Christi!  Roberto! 

The "Pilgrimage"

So today is day one of a pilgrimage.  My son Michael and I are headed to the island of Kauai to see the sights from a new perspective.  We leave early Wednesday for Lihue but poor Michael has to work the next two days.  So poor dad has to hangout in the beachfront town of Laguna Beach, reading and drinking lattes and Margaritas :0)  Not so sure how effective the posting will be from Kauai since I'll not have my computer with me, just the smartphone (which I'm not smart enough to use to it's full capacity).  But I'll try to say something as often as possible.  Walking down to the Laguna Coffee Co this AM I spotted a hedge made of jasmine flowers and one of my favorite trees, a Japanese Cryptomaria, in the same block.  This could be a pretty cool place to live.  As soon as I can figure out a way to phrase it I'll come up with some kind of a altruistic reason for calling this a pilgrimage :0)  How about a celebration of Nature and Beauty? 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Holy vs The Unholy!

There is a picture associated with this post of Richards Daily Meditation.  It is a painting of St Francis which I find very nice.  In relationship to the subject of this Meditation about the nature of Religion and systems related thereto; I am finding myself drawn to the idea of "Franciscanism" as a better view of my path than any of the paths my life so far has brought me.  I hope I have "usually" been a great father.  With that exception most of my life has definitely been a path of trial and error.  I haven't been a very good son, brother, boyfriend, husband, lover, restauranture, Catholic, Lutheran, etc, etc, etc.  I am very glad that the new Pope has taken the name of Francis.  Maybe following the example of St Francis I can improve my footprint in this world.  Lord, Make me an instrument of Your Peace!  Where there is hatred, etc.....Let me sow Love (Your Love)  Pax Christi,  Roberto

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A "Mystical" look at God

A gift from Richard for the Mystics of Old and New!    A Whole New God Meditation 46 of 52

Mysticism begins when the totally transcendent image of God starts to recede; and there’s a deepening sense of God as imminent, present, here, now, safe, and even within me. In Augustine’s words, “God is more intimate to me than I am to myself” or “more me than I am myself.” St. Catherine of Genoa shouted in the streets, “My deepest me is God!”

So you must overcome this gap to spiritually know things and then, ironically, you’ll know that Someone Else is doing the knowing through you. God is no longer “out there.” At this point, it’s not like one has a new relationship with God; it’s like one has a whole new God! “God himself is my counselor, and at night my innermost being instructs me,” says the Psalmist (16:7). God is operating with you, in you, and even as you.

The mystics are those who are let in on this secret mystery of God’s love affair with the soul, with my soul in particular—and that God loves me uniquely. All true love gives us this sense of being special, chosen, and “like nobody else.” That is why we are so joyful in the presence of our lover, who mirrors us with a divine mirror.       Amen!  Pax Christi!  RV

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Love the Balance Point!

Thinking a lot about balance lately. 
I was looking for a picture of the "Libra" Lady, you know holding the scales of justice, and then I saw this picture.  Considering sometimes how very Unbalanced "justice" can be this picture seems a whole lot more honest.  The symbiotic coupling of two soulmates just has to be all about balance.
So I have tried in the history of this literary attempt of mine to post content and stories which seem to expand or bolster the transformational energy at work in our world.  I've referred to many different artists all of which I value greatly.  A great part of that value is the wide spectrum from which I see their thought coming.  Bring it on!  Philosophical, Political, Spiritual, Interpersonal, Ecological, etc., etc., etc. 
Recently ran across a wonderful piece by my friend Barb.  She is writing about the subject of conscious connection between many aspects of our life, balance and non duality.  She relates nicely to a connection of our personal lives and soulmates to the balance of nature and spirituality.

 "I've used Undefended Love as a method to journey together with a life partner. We had to learn to trust and support each other to remain present with triggers/shadows so they naturally release first with a learned inner process, and we then came to each other with perceived challenges from Love rather than conditioned reaction.
 That method turned shadows into pointers towards Home, and helped us not only get closer to our own Christed consciousness faster, but made our love grow even deeper -- that 3-week to 2-year honeymoon stage lasted for many years, our entire time together

Spirituality to me is knowing we can choose how we want to be present and aim towards opening and living from the heart. I feel most of us seek to find our own unique metaphor to describe the undescribable that speaks to us and I encourage others to love the paths and metaphors that speak to them.
 For my journey, I've studied Science of Mind, Progressive Christianity, esoteric Christianity, Course in Miracles, Andrew Harvey, ancient Celtic writings, Native American mythology, HeartMath, Compassionate Communication, open-focus mind training, and nondual wisdom.
 I've even heard the Christ consciousness whispering to me between the lines in more conservative religion and atheism. I don't follow one "path" and don't think my way of seeing things is permanent, nor better than others.
 Years ago as a young adult when I ran from what I called Bible thumpers, I discovered there are also New Age thumpers.
 I've found that many who insist they are constantly in the Now and/or are spiritually advanced and insist their friends must always be in the Now and as spiritually advanced as they are -- are actually some of the most not-Now, controlling and micro-managing folks I've ever experienced.
 And that those who love life -- love to plant gardens or explore architecture or?? without preaching their version of spirituality at every turn seem the closest to how God resonates with me -- being expressions of physical anchors for the Now to come into perception ('being' rather than preaching as human channels of Heaven on earth.)

How are you environmentally conscious & what are you doing to help the planet?
I've been a nature lover since I was a kid and now write and photograph eco-farming and inspired community for a living.
 Yet while I don't resonate with 'man'kind having dominion over nature, I don't go to the opposite extreme and "worship" nature either, seeing humans as lower than nature. Rather, I see it as an equal sister. It can be seen as stuck in the duality also -- at one minute it has the capacity to create paradise on earth even without compost as in the discovery of terra preta -- and yet in another minute can rip a crying infant gosling from it's emotionally tortured mother to be consumed live by a predator. It feels that Nature is also on a path out of duality to Oneness right along with us. So I see Nature as our partner.
 I feel the way we negatively treat the earth is a result of what's inside us -- seeing disconnection with oneness, and I feel the best thing we can do for the earth is restore our inner world while doing what we can on the "outer" without it making us angry and causing more divisiveness."
Thanks! Barbie!
 Pax Christi!   Roberto Vincente