Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Path Revisited!

This past year as I've kind of stated in the past few posts has been somewhat of a reflection of the impact of the forces of this journal.  As I'm embarking more so on a clerical path to a very limited degree some have asked a bit about my background.  It seems appropriate to recap a bit.  Before delving into an outline of my past I feel it would be good to mention my concerns about the future.  I wish too be of service to creation.  Seems the most efficacious place for that would be spending time with my grandson, continuing to read, write and maybe teach .  However I also feel a strong desire to spend at least part of the year in the Islands, esp. Kauai.  I hope and pray the path will be made clear too me. 
I was initially raised and nurtured in the Roman Catholic tradition.  I am happy with that background and even today consider myself a Catholic in the pure sense of the word, universal.  In my early adult years I drifted away as a result of divorce.  I valued the Eucharist but denied the separatist "club" aspect of the sacrament.  I don't think Christ would have made a very good Catholic.  But he was a very good Franciscan. I have spent 60+ years as a spiritual seeker with a fair amount of time with a variety of Christian denominations including but not limited to Baptist, Non-Denominational, Seventh Day Adventist, New Age or New Thought.  I have settled within the Lutheran as a result of finding my soul mate there.  Since Sheritas passing over I started reading "Emergent" authors leading to a new appreciation of the totality or the cosmic nature of the Christ.  At least a third of this blog deals with this path so I will not restate it at this time.  As a result I suppose one could describe me as a hybrid Spiritual Christian.  I'm happy with that. A question that still stays with me is; Am I to be on this path as a solo spirit or is it possible there is yet another soul mate for me out there?  I really do feel that there should be as God is not a gender and we are created in Gods image.  Therefore the best follower of God should have both genders represented.  Makes sense to me and today I started to think that it is possible.  We'll see.  Pax Christi!  RV    

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