Friday, October 22, 2010

Kauai! ~ The End of the Rainbow

I've been to Hawaii three times in my life. Considering how much I seem to love the place you'd think I'd go every chance I could. Lately Hawaii has been on my mind again and since the weather here is getting wintry this weekend I'm headed back to Kauai for a bit. I believe that the mystery and beauty of that Island is almost a picture of my spiritual journey, especially of late, and especially this trip. More on that to come or as they say in Jamaica, soon come :O). Since I have to leave for the SuperKids program in Jamaica on November 4th guess I can't stay in Kauai too long this time. Gosh this "retirement" thing is hard work! :O) Back to Kauai and Hawaii. Considering the beauty of Creation, The beautiful linguistic use of the same word to describe Love, Hello, and Goodbye (that's not even considering the beautiful job they do with only a 13 letter alphabet)(that may also say volumes about the efficaciousness of the plethora of philosophical, theological, etc works out there at the hand of man), The commingling of so many races over the centuries to give the image of homogeneity. If one is to look closely these are the flesh of many of the parts of the body of thought I'm trying to express. The connectedness of all creation, Love being the center of all beginnings and departures, and the all of humanity being one big family. The thought has occurred to me that Paradox has also been a big part of Hawaii which is also a big part of the Emerging movement in recognizing the non dualistic, non judgemental, balance of apparent opposites in the biggest picture of the "Cosmic Christ". I see that paradox in the beauty born from the relationship of Fire and Water, and Air. I see that paradox in the plain fact that in spite of the image we have today of this Idyllic Paradise one can readily see, in the not so distant past a very tribal and violent lifestyle, not so distant at all if one is to wander off the beaten track into a natives "herb" garden. The same beach upon which Sherita and I were married in 2004 and where her ashes were scattered last year was also the scene of a major massacre in 1796 when King Kamehameha tried to conquer Kauai. It is becoming very clear to me that Kauai is playing a significant part in my growth for the future. It has been the site of Great Love and Great Suffering and possibly Great Love again. Death (the ultimate frontier) and New Beginnings. The "Circle of Life" goes around again. Hang on and keep rowing! Aloha, ALOHA, A LO HA! Mahalo E ka Haku! Roberto Vincente

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