Wednesday, October 16, 2013

One Bread One Body; One Lord Over All!

The above video is by John Michael Talbot.  I ran across this while attempting to upload a clip of the Franciscan Labyrinth.  The subject of the Communion feast is sometimes an area of much disagreement among Christians which I find disturbing.  Some say that this Sacrament is literally the body and blood of Christ.  There are many conditions upon reception of this Sacrament among well meaning Christians.  Others who do not ascribe to the "True Body and Blood" (Transubstaniation) position do view it as a memorial of the Last Supper and have very few conditions placed upon reception.  I have received Communion all over the world, in a variety of methods,  usually within the Catholic position.  I do find the sacred nature of the Sacrament is a beautiful and fulfilling means of reception,  the part which bothers me is the "private club" or exclusionary aspect of this beautiful example of Love given us by Christ.
In my practice of the Sacrament I have taken a "Yes and" position towards its description and practice as well as it's ultimate meaning.  The only admonition I request from recipients is that they respect the elements of the Sacrament.  I do acknowledge the "True Body and Blood" position as I believe it was so stated in the Gospels.  However I also believe that the ultimate message and memorial aspect of the Eucharist is as important to the receiver.  A form of memorial is a means of remembering an important part of our past.  This can take many forms, like a labyrinth for example, and has done so over the centuries and cultures of the human existence.  When these memorials are based on Love and respect I find merit in them and I'm sure God does as well.  When they devolve into disrespect and/or the blood sacrifice (most often of the "Other") then I feel that it falls out of favor with the God which I worship.   Of late I am coming to realize that the Sacrament which our Lord instituted is maybe something more.  I believe that the act of Communion is a "Type" or example of the entire message which Christ preached.  The Love of God and The Love of all Creation.  It seems clear to me that this Love is best practiced in a Community(of whatever size "two or more") .  This premise to me seems pretty clear when we see most social issues involving serial killing or dissociative behavior have their basis in the non loving parts of our familial and sociatial elements.  Here's to Loving Community!  Pax Christi!  RV  PS - The video below was shot at the Franciscan Labyrinth.  In the future I hope to add more shots of the actual turns and some of the meditative points related


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