Monday, August 26, 2013

Home Is Where The Heart Is!

It is said that Home is where the Heart is!  I am sitting here in Laguna Beach, California, following a Rotary event yesterday, Thinking about home in Oregon, Looking at the video above of Pearl Cove, and talking this morning with Alexandria about her recent move to Denver with Tim.  I am wondering if ones heart is kind of like yeast in that it could be "at home" in multiple places.  Hopefully being present in each and at the same time being a "yeasty" effect in each as well.  Wondering if maybe that is the meaning of the mystical approach to understanding God as being All in All.  It certainly takes away the "ego center and Tribal center" of the individual when you are at the same time everywhere and yet nowhere.
On my travel this past week I have been rereading "Simplicity" by Richard Rohr.  Simplicity and balance seems to be a very important aspect of the transformed life.  I hope with each passing day I can get closer to those goals. 
I need to post at least one of his "Daily Meditations" within a few days as he is using a beautiful butterfly picture in this series of thoughts. 
Here's to butterflies, transformation, simplicity and balance.  RV   

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