Wednesday, September 14, 2011

One Love-One Heart!! - Respect!!

The last couple of weeks I've been immersed via a book and two "Gatherings" focused on the Rasta movement. This ties into the last post as this movement is very intimately connected to the One Love / Agape Love essence. This posting will again take a while as the book referred to has several quotes I wish to post and comment upon. I needed to put this "Sherita's Labyrinth" picture on here as this day is the third anniversary of her passing over into the next dimension. I choose to not drag this posting on right now as I want to put this picture out there. I will quote one reference and make two quick comments. It is interesting that two of the best examples of Love in a culture, in spite of poverty and isolation, are observed in island nations. Maybe because they are island cultures? In my experience that would be Hawaii and Jamaica. You have the Aloha Spirit of Hawaii and the "One Love""Rasta" Spirit of Jamaica. More on that later. In addition to Love there is another element absolutely essential to the effective practice of Love. That would be the responsibility to share Love and the need to respect anothers perspective within a spirit of understanding. Two elements I suppose but they are related and intertwined. Similar I suppose to "Namaste" in the Hindu tradition is the Rasta practice of crossing both arms across ones chest and saying "Love and Respect"! Without respecting one anothers position and rights then saying that you "Love" them seems to be pretty hollow.

"The power which you possess is but one side of the coin; the other side is responsibility. There is no power or authority without responsibility, and he who accepts the one cannot escape or evade the other." Emperor Haile Selassie I.

The greatest power one can possess in this life is to Love! Pax Christi! RV

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