Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Container Resource List!

Aloha! World! Richard Rohr's latest book is called "Falling Upwards" and unless you are on the space lab that probably sounds like it's against natural laws. It is a fine book with great wisdom for the individual and in my opinion can be seen as a blueprint for cultures the world over. It does reflect the paradox of mystery. It has been suggested by a very intuitive new friend that in this blog it may be good to have a resource list available at the beginning as well as the current posting. I like that idea a lot as the sequence which a person reads or listens to these teachers could have a major influence on the cohesiveness of the teachings. This is not an exclusive list but highlights the books or resources which I have found most impactful.

The numbers on the left side of this list are the suggested sequence of reading.

Brian D McLaren

1. "The Secret Message of Jesus"

2. "A Generous Orthodoxy"

5. "Everything Must Change"

Fr Richard Rohr - The Center For Action and Contemplation

3. The Emerging Church (cd)

4. The Cosmic Christ (cd)

6. We are the Second Coming of Christ" (cd)

9. Falling Upward (cd and book)

Marianne Williamson

7. "Saving The Soul of America"

Rob Bell

8. "Love Wins"

I would like to hope that these resources could be of great help in a reader/student being able to form a better lens within which to see the world during the first half of life and facilitate the vision to transcend into the second half (upwards, as Richard presents) Happy reading! Pax Christi! Aloha! RV PS- I was looking for a good picture to represent "The Container" of learning like a great library building. Then I came across the Hammock on a Beach (in Hawai'i?) and thought one could hardly find a better library to relate to the beauty and connectedness of all creation :o)

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