Amazing Grace and my God the Turkey Vulture!
Today I woke up early to that annoying little beep from the smoke sensor in the bedroom. Annoying but necessary to keep the home safe. Kind of like the still small voice which guides each of us through life. In some ways it is easier to ignore the still small voice since you have a choice to just not respond. In the case of the smoke alarm, since it has a hard wired backup, if you don’t respond it will just keep beeping, screeching would be more appropriate, until you deal with the dying battery.
This past week I’ve been neglectful of this record of my thoughts. Not so much that I’ve not had them but just cause of being busy. We had the Presidents second “State of the Union” speech. I know that he is under a lot of heat on several fronts but I do hope that we as a nation can allow him to pursue the paths he seems to be led toward. I have said much about my confidence in his abilities but no one person can do all. It does take cooperation to just “Get it Done”. We all need a “can do” outlook. I am not naive to the tension of our two party system and to the fact that there are logical and valid reasons for both focuses of power in government. In an abstract world the concept of totally free market ideals could effectively run the world and reward individual initiative. I am however of the opinion that this abstract is less than practical in today’s nation and world picture. And after the past several years of something close to this abstract I believe the proof is there as well. And where is it stated so clear that incentive has to be of a pecuniary nature. It was just disappointing to see the degree of polarity so obvious still in the house chamber the other night. I hope his efforts to move the discussion and action out to the public forum will bear good fruit.
The last few Fridays I’ve been attending a discussion group at a SOU “off campus” location called the “Omega” house. Not sure why the name but the facilitator is very well read and quite the speaker. Most of the participants are very well read as well. As a matter of fact I’ve felt very much out of my league philosophically speaking but I continue to go in the hope that the exposure will help my knowledge quotient. This past week a woman who seems to work with Rich, the facilitator, in one of the “student” groups (as opposed to the old folks) made an interesting comment. She referred to the bottom line in many of these discussions as being “Duh”. As if to say that the answers are really very basic. I felt better with that comment as that would be my opinion as well. It is good to be knowledgeable of the work of all these great thinkers of our history, and the present, but due to today’s world condition I’m not so sure of the efficacy of all this great thought when it comes down to the bottom line. Maybe simple is better. Knowledge is good, Love is better!
I never cease to be amazed with my pastor at Grace. He has a truly God given ability to put together a great sermon. I know that he an I are approaching many theological themes differently. I am sure that is attributed to our different life experiences but I am also of the belief that at a very substantive level we are very similar. Probably most significant is in the area of the pervasiveness of God’s Grace present to is all. Besides him, that name of “Grace” is a prime reason for my continued presence at this church community. So today after that still small screech woke me up Pastor Tim was speaking of that mysterious nature of God in working with us as His creation in such a myriad of ways to help us experience His Grace. He drew a parallel, as I saw it, between a shipwreck of Paul in Acts(we're all in the same boat), the outreach of a secular college doing good works, the beauty of Jazz (think “Blue like Jazz”), and the ability of one of Gods creations(the turkey buzzard) to sniff out and glean good from the decay of life. The ability and willingness of our God to be with us in all of life’s circumstances via His Grace. Be it a mission to Mexico, an earthquake, a flood, the plight of the worlds poor and oppressed. I guess you just had to be there. To me it points up some of the many paradoxes we are faced with in this existence and I think I’ve written too much already for this posting so I’ll leave the rest of my thoughts for later. Peace and Love to all! Believe that! Please! Roberto
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Answer for Alexandria!
This morning Alexandria, my daughter, asked me what was the meaning of the "Blog" I'm writing? What is in that phrase "Praise God Via the Spirit of the Christ!". Based partly on the awakening in me of the "Secret Message of Jesus" as being that of a Socially Responsible view of Peace and Justice my "world view" is firmed a bit. While not specifically "Praising" God?? Yes, doing the work asked of us by God in this world IS Praising God in the most efficacious way! A most current picture of that work can be seen in Haiti as this is written. It is regrettable however that that kind of compassion is not quite as quick coming in other areas of pain in the world. We seem to find a less challenging path of aid when the disaster is an "act of god" rather than a result of "mans ungodliness". The reason I always capitalize the word God is out of reverence and respect. For the opposite reason I did not capitalize the word in the previous sentence. In my belief system acts of nature are a result of the forces of nature, which make this old world function. not the acts of a vengeful god as some would propose. God is with us in all ways to learn His ways, which sometimes are a Mystery. The fact of a geologic fault line running through the Caribbean is just that, a fact. Established by God? Of course, but if we had no plate movements then we wouldn't have many of the great mountaintops we enjoy in this beautiful world. Of course why people continue to build on a fault line time after time is a wonderment and certainly can't be blamed on the God who set our world in motion. And maybe a bit of the causation can be attributed to man who via the slave trade brought a whole new race to this small island in the first place. So to me "Praise" or blaspheme is how we live our lives!
In this context I use the word God for two reasons. Make no mistake I am a Christian and will all ways be a follower of the Christ. As I have matured in life I do believe that the message Jesus brought us, taught us, lived with us is bigger than just having a religion named after him. Christ is bigger than Christianity. Especially bigger than most of the churches which carry His name. To paraphrase my brother Richard Rohr; In the abstract realm you may challenge "non-Christians" but when in the real world you meet "concrete" people of other faith traditions you are faced with logical inconsistency." I believe that if a person in this world has followed the precepts of Christ, even if they never knew Him by name, then they did know Him within the Spirit. It is my understanding that the Spirit of the living God is a whole lot more merciful than even this viewpoint but for me I will try to be all I can be as the God I love guides and graces my efforts. So for me the Spirit of Christ is the earthly tangible manifestation of God. But I choose "God" in first place of this title to encompass all His creation, not just the ones going to a building which has His name plastered on the front. This is not to dismiss the "faith of our fathers". God is, and probably will remain on this earth, a mystery. We have seen glimpses of His glory but as men in this dimension we can't seem to get the whole picture. Any logical person can see our many faults especially as we rise to the point of releasing the power of our ego. Another paraphrase of Richard would be that" the mystical and contemplative mind acknowledges and builds on the past toward the future. It doesn't kill off the bastards that came before." I kind of saw an inkling of that thought in the recent movie with Morgan Freeman as to how he portrayed the dynamics of a regime change in the South Africa of Nelson Mandela. We are human, all of us, and we might as well acknowledge our ego driven faults and build on that part of us which is built in the image of a Loving and Merciful God. So I suppose that the second half of the title should be pretty understandable in in context of the above. I hope to be Praising (the Almighty Loving Merciful) God (of all) Via (by way of) (walking with, supported by, guided by) The Spirit of the Christ (God with us)(including all His creation)(The Trinity)! I know that the concept of the Trinity has led to many disputes but at this point I would like to make one observation. In Brian's "Generous Orthodoxy" he describes(from the Eastern Orthodox family) the concept as being like a "circle dance"(perichoresis), almost like the structure of an atom. All parts of the Godhead circling about all creation. Kind of an interesting concept. Maybe when we leave this dimension we get to join the dance. Might be a good idea to take some dance lessons while we're here. Hear?
The second reason I used "God" in the title is simple but I may expound on it at a later time. In a nutshell. I believe that this country was and is blessed by God. As we have been blessed so we should also go forth and bless. Most of the colonists were one of various Christian sects and were actually fleeing persecution in their homeland. Not all were Christian but most were at least Deists. Our founding fathers established this union with a Freedom of Religion, not a Freedom From Religion. Granted that no religion is also protected as a freedom, as are the others, but the denial of our heritage is also very very wrong. In my opinion; and I thank God that I live in a country which allows me to have one. As I mentioned in one of the first posts here the term "Laus Deo" is inscribed on the top of the Washington Monument. I wonder what the likelihood of placing "Praise God" anywhere on a monument built at the center of our nations capitol would be in this day? Think about it! Pax Christi! RV
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
After a year "Emerging"
So my question to myself tonight is where am I in relation to the "Emerging" movement after having been exposed to the concept for almost a year now? I feel very much at peace with my path in the world right now even though I'm not quite sure how the foreseeable future will be playing out. After a year of reading and listening to the writings and audios and conferences of these emergent mentors( especially Brian and Richard) I see a cohesion with what I perceive as a larger world view in the future. Both of these writers speak of a balance point which will (hopefully) soon reach a tipping point of ascendancy or spiritual maturity. That is also spoken of by other writers in the "new age" and "2012" literature. I also see such vision in the non-dualistic and statesmanlike methodology of leaders such as our current president. I have great confidence in his ability to see the big picture in our world dynamic and I am very hopeful of his ability to lead us into the next years, once he manages to put these initial crisis to rest. Obama does seem to have a remarkable ability to build bridges among divergent views but building the bridge is only the first step. We must be willing to cross over the bridge once it is established. At the end of this post I think I'll add an article and link I wrote about this potential ability he has manifested. Because of the reference to the "new age" and "2012" I feel the need to clarify a bit. I feel the ascendancy expressed by many spiritual and philosophical leaders is valuable in the big picture but I am also of the belief that 1) A lot of the nebulousness promoted by some writers is not very founded in secure or tested realities. I feel there is some truth in their writings but I for one don't have a lot of faith in the total picture many present. 2) One of the best descriptions of the "lost" or "hidden" message of the Christ is to be found in the mystical traditions of our past. In other words the "New" Age is not really "New" but a rediscovery. I confess a lack of knowledge regarding the 2012 literature but I am in agreement with some who feel that versus an "end of time" in that year we could be looking at that "Tipping" point mentioned a moment ago. Perhaps an end of an era. As I see it the era of the ego may tip to an era of Love. Peace! RV
My Dear Friend, Family, Acquaintance, etc:
I have sent the letter below to the editor after reading the referred to article. I would invite you to read the article for yourself regardless of your political persuasion at this time. I felt it hit some really good points. I realize that some of you will believe that my support of Barack Obama will brand me as un-American and un-Christian. Nothing could be further from the truth. As a matter of fact, by not speaking up for my positions or convictions would make me an ineffective American and tepid Christian. I invite you to access the Atlantic website and read the article for yourself. I would be happy to communicate with any of you if you wish. The site address is . If you are so inclined, please feel free to forward this to your address list.
Peace and Enlightenment, Bob Vlach
To: The Editor, The Atlantic
As the country song goes “I’m not a real political man”, however “Goodbye to All That” by Andrew Sullivan in your December issue has changed that reality. Beyond voting I have never actively participated in the political process, even though my college major was political science with a minor in economics. The termination of John Kennedy probably had much to due with that failure in my life. At 63 I can really relate to the forces of conflict, polarization, and change referred to in the article. The bridge building analogy as well as a new perspective on our role domestically and internationally was refreshing to read and hit a right on note within my being.
This will be a more involved process for me during this election period and I thank you for the wake up call. It is my hope and prayer that many will read this article, including Barack.
The tone of this piece has even inspired an anagram for a banner:
O Offering
B Bridges
A Across
M Modern
A America And Beyond
Enthusiastically Yours, Bob , Ashland, Or
My Dear Friend, Family, Acquaintance, etc:
I have sent the letter below to the editor after reading the referred to article. I would invite you to read the article for yourself regardless of your political persuasion at this time. I felt it hit some really good points. I realize that some of you will believe that my support of Barack Obama will brand me as un-American and un-Christian. Nothing could be further from the truth. As a matter of fact, by not speaking up for my positions or convictions would make me an ineffective American and tepid Christian. I invite you to access the Atlantic website and read the article for yourself. I would be happy to communicate with any of you if you wish. The site address is . If you are so inclined, please feel free to forward this to your address list.
Peace and Enlightenment, Bob Vlach
To: The Editor, The Atlantic
As the country song goes “I’m not a real political man”, however “Goodbye to All That” by Andrew Sullivan in your December issue has changed that reality. Beyond voting I have never actively participated in the political process, even though my college major was political science with a minor in economics. The termination of John Kennedy probably had much to due with that failure in my life. At 63 I can really relate to the forces of conflict, polarization, and change referred to in the article. The bridge building analogy as well as a new perspective on our role domestically and internationally was refreshing to read and hit a right on note within my being.
This will be a more involved process for me during this election period and I thank you for the wake up call. It is my hope and prayer that many will read this article, including Barack.
The tone of this piece has even inspired an anagram for a banner:
O Offering
B Bridges
A Across
M Modern
A America And Beyond
Enthusiastically Yours, Bob , Ashland, Or
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Foundations and Prayers
Today I will lay the foundations for my purpose in establishing this blog. First my prayers go out to the people of Haiti as they deal with the aftermath of the recent earthquake. I have come a long way in my spiritual journey over the past 65 years. I've had a blessed life. My children are very special to me and some have suggested that I do some writing in my retirement so this is one step, an attempt to codify the thoughts and peace which have come to be me at this point. I am not a scholar or writer of note but the life experience of my family, my spiritual heritage, my finding and then loosing the love of my life, the uncovering of a spiritual path rich with fulfilement and a sensible world view, have very much given me peace, the peace I would term the Pax Christi. I will attach to this posting a letter describing this "Emerging" journey. This ties my past through the more recent past of joy and anguish and into a foreseeable future of a more Christic word view of action and contemplation. Part of this will tie to such diverse areas as Global ecology and Green Technology, President Obama, 2012, Social Justice and the "Secret
Message of Jesus", Noetic Science, our National Mission and Blessing from the eyes of our forefathers and beyond! It should be pretty obvious why this will not be a quick letter. The concept which basically ties all of these divergent areas together is that of an "Emergent" understanding of our God and His desires for us in His creation. Hence I will close this post with an overview of that concept along with a very impactful bibliography! Pax Christi! RV
Letter to my Emergent Friends!It is a pleasure to be able to communicate areas of passion and concern with you. Even with the non structured, except for common civility, nature of this group I feel we are embarking on a path of understanding God’s will and eventually focused action. Some, or several, form of action seems to be an eventual goal of this type of fellowship.As for my motivation to be a part of this Emerging ? Entity. This has been a sequenced experience for me in the past year or so and I’d like to outline this for you. The reasons a person may seek direction, redirection, or refocus in their life would be many and varied. Richard Rohr postulates that such a searching is often a result of “Great Sorrow” or “Great Joy”. In my case it was both. My story is secondary here but what I wish to share is a sequence of events and resources which have proven very cohesive and symbiotic as far as presenting a picture or plan of “being all I can be” in my role as God’s child. Since the first of the year I have attended two conventions focused on the emergent movement. At a later time I would like to expound a bit on the content of these meetings. At this juncture however I’d like to share a bibliography and CD resource which has greatly impacted my quest. The first book is by Brian D McLaren titled “The Secret Message of Jesus”. The crux of this very readable work was to suggest that the message of Christ in the scriptures was a call to action in this world and not just an “evacuation plan for Christians in the next”. A Social Gospel if you will. Following the reading of this book I attended a conference in Los Angles, California where I listened to two presentations by Fr Richard Rohr and procured two CD’s of his. The first was titled “The Emerging Church” and outlined the factors leading to this Emergent movement arising from many existent denominations. Kind of a para church or trans denominational approach to Christ’s teaching. A “get over our own self indulged community and seek instead an overarching universal focus on Christ”. His second CD set I was blessed with is titled “The Cosmic Christ”. At the get go one could be taken aback by this title, coming from a traditional Christian background, as smacking of some “New Age” fluffy theology. Richard, however, does a wonderful job of presenting Christ as being “Bigger than Christianity” and eloquently presents the concept of “non dualistic” thinking while resting in comfort (but not arrogance) within our home church families.Approximately a month following the LA convocation I was able to join 1000+ attendees at an “Emergent Church” gathering in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Emergent Church, or Village movement has been active with in some protestant denominations for about a dozen years or so. This was the first convention sponsored by and targeted toward the Catholic faith. In the 1000+ were included over a dozen denominations from 40 states and half a dozen countries. Very moving, not the least of which was the bringing together of dynamic writers, speakers, and social activists on the same venue. Richard Rohr, Brian McLaren, Phyllis Tickle, Shane Claiborne and Alexis Torres-Fleming.Prior to attending this conference I was able to read Brian’s book, “A Generous Orthodoxy”. The blessing of this book was Brian’s ability to point out the contribution of the individual church movements to the larger picture of the “Body of Christ”. Again, as did Richard, progressing toward a larger Christ picture. At the same time valuing the individual contributions, limited as they are by the human components, and building toward a greater manifestation of Church! A greater manifestation of the Christ.While in attendance in Albuquerque I got the latest of Brian’s books. This one is quite the manifesto for action. The title is “Everything Must Change” By itself this is a call to action but as the third in a series interspersed with Richard’s CD’s this book is a natural progression. Not only is it a natural progression of contemplation and action but it also gives us a starting point for varied conversations within the emergent movement.We, in our meetings so far, seem to keep trying to define an objective or mission statement. The only firm agreement we seem to be reaching is the opportunity for a conversation forum. The reason prompting my participation would be in agreement with this principle and also bolstered by another concept. That is the desire to be led or guided by a not mortal power, a cosmic force (entity), toward actions of Love focused toward God's creation. These actions, as partially covered in "Everything Must Change", are fodder for ongoing action. Suppose what I'm saying here is that by keeping an eye on the God directed goals maybe we don't need so much, if any, human direction or organization. It also strikes me as significant how great could be the witness to the “world” when they see people doing works of Love and compassion without a goal except the work itself. My hope is that as individuals and small groups are prompted into action we can maximize the communication via a web posting approach. This should aid communication and understanding within our "cohort" as well as possibly with other cohort groups. A part of this understanding may be a developing concept of a dynamic definition of what it is we are all about. I am excited to share and learn what "action goals" you are all led toward.Southern Oregonian Spirit Of Christ Offering Our Love, SOSOCOOL, seems to me to be a very inclusive and simple handle by which the trans-denominational characters within our cohort can be differentiated from the Waters Edge members, Pastor David's Church. Some may be uneasy with the incorporation of "Christ" in such a title. Anyone who reads and listens to the resources listed below will probably understand my reasoning. I would be very happy to dialogue regarding the absolute appropriateness of the word. The Spirit of Christ is far greater than "Mere Christianity". It is within that Spirit that I lovingly offer the following resource list; along with a fervent prayer for an increasing indwelling of Love for us all.Blessed Pentecost to you all! Bob"The Secret Message of Jesus", Brian D. McLaren "A Generious Orthodoxy", Brian D. McLaren, Brian's books are also quite often available at Barnes and Noble"The Emerging Church" (CD), Fr Richard Rohr, The Center for Action and Contemplation "The Cosmic Christ" (3CD set), Fr Richard Rohr"Everything Must Change", Brian D McLaren
Here is another take on this subject by a fellow participant at Albuquerque
Message of Jesus", Noetic Science, our National Mission and Blessing from the eyes of our forefathers and beyond! It should be pretty obvious why this will not be a quick letter. The concept which basically ties all of these divergent areas together is that of an "Emergent" understanding of our God and His desires for us in His creation. Hence I will close this post with an overview of that concept along with a very impactful bibliography! Pax Christi! RV
Letter to my Emergent Friends!It is a pleasure to be able to communicate areas of passion and concern with you. Even with the non structured, except for common civility, nature of this group I feel we are embarking on a path of understanding God’s will and eventually focused action. Some, or several, form of action seems to be an eventual goal of this type of fellowship.As for my motivation to be a part of this Emerging ? Entity. This has been a sequenced experience for me in the past year or so and I’d like to outline this for you. The reasons a person may seek direction, redirection, or refocus in their life would be many and varied. Richard Rohr postulates that such a searching is often a result of “Great Sorrow” or “Great Joy”. In my case it was both. My story is secondary here but what I wish to share is a sequence of events and resources which have proven very cohesive and symbiotic as far as presenting a picture or plan of “being all I can be” in my role as God’s child. Since the first of the year I have attended two conventions focused on the emergent movement. At a later time I would like to expound a bit on the content of these meetings. At this juncture however I’d like to share a bibliography and CD resource which has greatly impacted my quest. The first book is by Brian D McLaren titled “The Secret Message of Jesus”. The crux of this very readable work was to suggest that the message of Christ in the scriptures was a call to action in this world and not just an “evacuation plan for Christians in the next”. A Social Gospel if you will. Following the reading of this book I attended a conference in Los Angles, California where I listened to two presentations by Fr Richard Rohr and procured two CD’s of his. The first was titled “The Emerging Church” and outlined the factors leading to this Emergent movement arising from many existent denominations. Kind of a para church or trans denominational approach to Christ’s teaching. A “get over our own self indulged community and seek instead an overarching universal focus on Christ”. His second CD set I was blessed with is titled “The Cosmic Christ”. At the get go one could be taken aback by this title, coming from a traditional Christian background, as smacking of some “New Age” fluffy theology. Richard, however, does a wonderful job of presenting Christ as being “Bigger than Christianity” and eloquently presents the concept of “non dualistic” thinking while resting in comfort (but not arrogance) within our home church families.Approximately a month following the LA convocation I was able to join 1000+ attendees at an “Emergent Church” gathering in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Emergent Church, or Village movement has been active with in some protestant denominations for about a dozen years or so. This was the first convention sponsored by and targeted toward the Catholic faith. In the 1000+ were included over a dozen denominations from 40 states and half a dozen countries. Very moving, not the least of which was the bringing together of dynamic writers, speakers, and social activists on the same venue. Richard Rohr, Brian McLaren, Phyllis Tickle, Shane Claiborne and Alexis Torres-Fleming.Prior to attending this conference I was able to read Brian’s book, “A Generous Orthodoxy”. The blessing of this book was Brian’s ability to point out the contribution of the individual church movements to the larger picture of the “Body of Christ”. Again, as did Richard, progressing toward a larger Christ picture. At the same time valuing the individual contributions, limited as they are by the human components, and building toward a greater manifestation of Church! A greater manifestation of the Christ.While in attendance in Albuquerque I got the latest of Brian’s books. This one is quite the manifesto for action. The title is “Everything Must Change” By itself this is a call to action but as the third in a series interspersed with Richard’s CD’s this book is a natural progression. Not only is it a natural progression of contemplation and action but it also gives us a starting point for varied conversations within the emergent movement.We, in our meetings so far, seem to keep trying to define an objective or mission statement. The only firm agreement we seem to be reaching is the opportunity for a conversation forum. The reason prompting my participation would be in agreement with this principle and also bolstered by another concept. That is the desire to be led or guided by a not mortal power, a cosmic force (entity), toward actions of Love focused toward God's creation. These actions, as partially covered in "Everything Must Change", are fodder for ongoing action. Suppose what I'm saying here is that by keeping an eye on the God directed goals maybe we don't need so much, if any, human direction or organization. It also strikes me as significant how great could be the witness to the “world” when they see people doing works of Love and compassion without a goal except the work itself. My hope is that as individuals and small groups are prompted into action we can maximize the communication via a web posting approach. This should aid communication and understanding within our "cohort" as well as possibly with other cohort groups. A part of this understanding may be a developing concept of a dynamic definition of what it is we are all about. I am excited to share and learn what "action goals" you are all led toward.Southern Oregonian Spirit Of Christ Offering Our Love, SOSOCOOL, seems to me to be a very inclusive and simple handle by which the trans-denominational characters within our cohort can be differentiated from the Waters Edge members, Pastor David's Church. Some may be uneasy with the incorporation of "Christ" in such a title. Anyone who reads and listens to the resources listed below will probably understand my reasoning. I would be very happy to dialogue regarding the absolute appropriateness of the word. The Spirit of Christ is far greater than "Mere Christianity". It is within that Spirit that I lovingly offer the following resource list; along with a fervent prayer for an increasing indwelling of Love for us all.Blessed Pentecost to you all! Bob"The Secret Message of Jesus", Brian D. McLaren "A Generious Orthodoxy", Brian D. McLaren, Brian's books are also quite often available at Barnes and Noble"The Emerging Church" (CD), Fr Richard Rohr, The Center for Action and Contemplation "The Cosmic Christ" (3CD set), Fr Richard Rohr"Everything Must Change", Brian D McLaren
Here is another take on this subject by a fellow participant at Albuquerque
Monday, January 11, 2010
Praise God! Laus Deo!

Praise God! Laus Deo! That is said to be engraved on the peak of the 555' Washington monument. This structure was erected in the mid 1800's in honor of our first president. Interesting to reflect on this at the center of our country in light of "Freedom of Religion". More on this later. Today seems to also be one of those "binary dates" doesn't it. Back to basics, or keep it simple, is kind of an important part of my being. One of the things I say is that I'm a very "simple" person but try not to be "simplistic" about life. This concept is one a "Libra" such as I have struggled with all my life. I will dwell more on this later in this series. For now suffice to say that in my opinion we humans have tended to build these grand schemes to explain life and its meaning usually to our egos, personal and communal, growth but to the distress of the true meaning of life, Love! Part of this blog will be a posting of other letters I have composed over the past year or so in response to those very memorable and impactful events, most notably being the passing of my wife, Sherita, on to the next life/dimension. As the closing of this post I hope to include a picture of her final resting spot. Peace! RV PS - So who is this guy "Roberto Vincente" anyway? I chose this as a pen name to honor my biological heritage. I am an adopted son and although I have no record of my biological father my mother Helene is 100% Portuguese and her maiden name was Vincente. Just so happens that RV is actually also my adopted names initials.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Getting in under the wire 01/10/10
So here goes the first entry on this new blog, which I suppose is going to actually be more of a journal. I wished to start on this adventure for a couple of reasons and to start on this date for a particular reason as well. Today is still one of those strange "binary dates" made solely up of the #'s 1 and 0. Seems like an auspicious beginning for a blog which is also at the forefront of at least my thoughts if not that of a growing number of the world population. My reasons for writing this blog will be expanded upon more tomorrow but one of the most important reasons is that even though I feel very strong about some very significant aspects of the current world condition I also know that it will be hard for me to write a lot at one time. Hence it seems to be good to write a little each day and hopefully end up with cohesive series of thoughts strung together at a point in the future. I wish to expound more on the title and reasons for this blog but I suppose in a nut shell the incentive to proceed here is composed of my children's suggestions, author Dan Brown's latest work, my spiritual path of late, the impact of the "Emergent Church/Village/Mission", and the changing world focus(I hope). Stay Tuned! Pax Christi! RV PS - On July 27th of 2011 I posted a resource list to aid in putting it all together, so I'm referencing that post here as well.
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