Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A Franciscan Style Labyrinth for Meditation

Hopefully attached to this post is a mostly quiet walk of meditation at a labyrinth still being installed at the Spirit Venture Camp outside of Ashland, Oregon.  This is termed a "Franciscan Style" as it is inspired by the life and spirit of St Francis in appreciating and honoring the basic elements of Creation.  In this spirit we have walked the path going around trees and boulders instead of removing them to construct a more conventional circular seven circuit labyrinth.
We have also added spiritual insights from many spiritual guides through the ages.  Of course a meditative path is usually one of silence, however this option gives one the choice to walk in silence or take the time to read inspiration from the past and present, you could look at it as a type of guided meditation.  If by some chance you have read the past few posts you may see that this is the microcausm of the macrocausm referred to in the Spiritual Botanical Peace Garden.
Happy Season of Giving Thanks!  RV

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A Microcosm of the Macrocosm

A Micro View of a Macro View of what could become a spiritual awakening experience,  A pathway from Creation to the Stewardship of that gift starts with an awareness of the connectedness of all.  I see that the word connectedness, as well as the word interspiritual, make our spellcheckers go nuts.  The same was true a few years ago for the word nonviolence.  These words really need to be appreciated, used and expanded upon in the coming years if we are to move ahead in stewardship of the creation of which we are such a part.  The last three posts can best be appreciated by viewing them together.  Pax Et Bonum!  RV  (Please click on the following title, then the youtube link following)    Franciscan Labyrinth near Ashland, Oregon

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Musings on the previous Post

Thought I would send you the next musings of mine on the possible Interspiritual World Peace Garden in the Spirit of Kauai!  
I draw much better with a tractor and landscape paint :0)  Anyhow this adventure would be roughly 300 feet square which amounts to about 1 1/2 acres or a Square football field.  It would start with about 100 trees, 20 vines, and  200 shrubs/flowers.  Benches at each Inspiration Point and a total walking distance of a little over a half a mile to the 50' diameter center circle (gathering area).
If I am able to come over the first quarter of 2016 I hope to visit the Lawaii International Center, the Interfaith Roundtable, and the Nursery just out of Lihue, for starters.  Pax Christi!  Bob  You do know that I am a real "fundamentalist Christian" in the best use of the term, don't you??
attached, I hope, will be a drawing, plant list, and partial list of "possible" inclusions for inspiration points. RV

Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Dream!

I’m A Dreamer ---But I’m Not The Only One!

A few thoughts on Paradise Found

Having just returned Mainland side from my Heart home, Kauai, I wish to share a few points.  Having spent two weeks in prayer and retreat on Island some very visceral points come to my Spirit.  I have said for sometime that the Spiritual centrality of this place is a microcosm of a path to a more peaceful world.  In the last two weeks I visited a Peace Garden, Paleaku.com, honoring many spiritual traditions and practices; a practicing Monastery; attended a Spiritual retreat in the Weimea Canyon; officiated at a wedding celebration on the beach; and participated in a webcast on “Unitive Consciousness”.  Each one a blessing in itself.  Probably the most impactful of the events was actually the last as it drew a connective link between the Spiritual traditions of the East and West in seeking a non-dual approach to resolving division and angst inherent in our tribal religious heritage .  If there is one place on earth this is possible, it is here.
In the past couple of months I was also gifted a link to a video produced to present the same synergy from an ecological as well as spiritual plane, http://ainafeeds.us/film
   We are the microcausm, Kauai, of the macrocausm, Island Earth.
Of course I visited the memorial labyrinth my son and I pieced together on the headlands of Easterly Maha’ulepu Beach and the intention was to also visit the Lawai International Center in Kalaheo, lawaicenter.org.  The volunteer work in support of culture and the international quest for peace among peoples is exemplary, but the visit will have to wait for another trip.
So where is the dream in all of this vision?  I envision an enterprise in the Resort/ Retreat industry, in Kauai, which would be a world class destination.  A destination to compliment the Paradise we are already offering the seeking public.  It would be an addition to vacation amenities already available, but with a twist.  The spiritual energy of the island would be sought, in a retreat fashion, moreso than just an adrenaline rush of a Zipline and the like.  These have a place, but in my hikes along the coast and in the mountains I have met many who are seeking the solitude of nature, or the wisdom of a great teacher, or the wisdom of peaceful communication and reflection.  A gathering place in a safe atmosphere for individuals, couples, maybe even families, but especially world leaders!
Besides meeting venues, yoga and movement studios, I foresee a large contemplative garden for the soul to stretch and heal.  This Garden of Peace, Transformational Energy, and Unitive Consciousness would look something like this….
A wide pathway in the shape of a labyrinth; and at each turn there would be a monument or reflective place.  These points of reflection would have a theme but instead of many world religions, as many “Peace Gardens” do, these turns would be focused on a person of  honor and integrity.  These persons may represent a religious or philosophical  background but would be more accessible to all.  Considering that most wars in human history seem to have a “Religion”  on both sides it seems pretty clear that truly Peaceful individuals would be better ambassadors of peace than any given institution.  This “Garden” would be large, with expansive walkways and comfortable sitting areas for reflection.  There may be water features throughout but certainly in the center, with a possible space for public gathering.  Ecologically sound but abundant irrigation would provide the lush factor.  I see the total size being somewhere between three and seven acres.
So that is the dream, and I am just putting that intention out there in the mystery of the universe to see if there are other dreamers, preferably at least one with the desire to fund such an ambitious project of enterprise AND inner prize.  If there is such interest and vision, I would dedicate the rest of my life and talents to facilitating the reality.
 Mahalo Nui Loa!
Medford, Oregon and Lihue, Kauai

Friday, May 29, 2015

Two Faiths One Prayer -- Muslims and Jews Pray Together in LA

Do So Wish Some Christians could have been here.....but it is a start :0)

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Another Great Perspective of Communion by R. Rohr


Please take a moment and visit this post by Richard.  It is so refreshing to see this very foundational truth of Creation coming out of my mother spiritual home.  I wanted to show a picture of Bread and Wine up at Camp David but I couldn't find the shot.  And in thinking about it some more it seemed that the basic elements of Community, marriage, birth, family are also a real example of what he is talking about.  Paz y Amore!  RV

Monday, February 16, 2015

TSTH Images and Video


The Spirit That Heals!

Access Via contemplation is One path or Facet of healing
Or allowing access of the Spirit
Involving Exercise of Solitude And Community Or Solitude Then Community (Nouwen) Example would be the desert then ministry. 
Not easy for some.  Good technique is breathing the name of God, Yaw Wai.
And sitting in a river and watching the boats go by.

Introduction of each to group briefly.
Name and what is interest?
What, if any, faith system or spiritual path
Past experience with labyrinths

Me first
Function as chaplain in local hospitals - Catholic- Lutheran - Path of St Francis of Assisi.

My history with the medium;  ***
Sherita and I were married on Mahaulepu by Paul Kirchner, April 28th, 2004.
5 years later she fought a brief battle with Pancreatic cancer, 5 months.
The family held a memorial on our beach in August of 2009.
She had some experience with labyrinths as member of our worship team - Not I - However one of our last visits during her clinical trial was to one in PVE ***  My last vocation was landscaping and the desire surfaced for me and some friends to construct one in her honor at the place we both worked, Ashland Community Hospital.  Winter of 2008-09  ***

About the same time I became acquainted with “The Emergent Church” movement --àwritings of Brian McLaren and esp Richard Rohr.  Richard is a Franciscan Priest from Albuquerque NM and heads up the “Center for Action and Contemplation - refer to more in a bit.

He speaks of two halves of life and the transition usually being the result of Great Sorrow Or Great Love >>  both of which I had experienced in a few short years.
A key focal point of MY emergence (or transformation) is meeting St Francis again! ***

>> His radical simplicity in life with a focus on Service to ALL and the pursuit of Peace

>> He easily saw and related in a visceral way to All creation and saw God in All.

>>  One sculpture in Assisi has Francis imploring the Holy Spirit - With a downward/earth focus

>> Interesting that Francis is credited with beginning the practice of a Nativity scene AS well as the Stations of the Cross.  These modalities were used for prayer and meditation during his lifetime as the crusades made pilgrimages to the Holy Land impossible.  Some say this was also the use for the labyrinth movement in cathedrals of Europe at this time.

Now as to Labyrinths specifically --

“Labyrinth Society” - “A labyrinth is a single path or unicursal tool for personal, psychological and spiritual transformation”

The difference between a labyrinth and a maze is really quite simple.  A maze has high walls, no visual of the center, and multiple dead ends.  Examples would be the imprisonment of the Minotaur in ancient Greek Mythology or more recently Jack Nicholson in the “Shining”
Last year I was asked to present some of this information to our local Chaplains group in the Rogue Valley.  As our Lead put it - to dispel the Woo Woo factor some groups place on the medium.   

>  They are an art form - and their meaning is just what you put into the practice.  No More and No Less.

> They are, more specifically, an ancient to modern art form to facilitate meditation and contemplation using any number, inc 0, of ritual exercises in the process.  
>  Every culture and most religious systems have embraced some form of solitude or meditation to achieve balance in your daily life.

Some over the centuries have attributed magical qualities to the practice - In my opinion that speaks more to the power of the human mind.

It is worth considering the nature of the circle (although labyrinths are not universally circular) 

Circles signifies unity and the building blocks of All creation --Two specific examples meaningful to my path are the Celtic Cross and the Trinity.

Interview with woman author, Paula?, re: 1st Century instrument of Roman torture and Christianity - spoke of usual path of death and resurrection but then spoke of the circle of the Celtic Cross as tying all of creation to the symbol for the Christian God.

Secondly the concept of the Trinity has never been easy to clarify however it has been stated that the early church used a Greek word to so describe.  Perichoresis - best translated into the vernacular as “Circle Dance” - A relationship or describing God as more of a Verb than a Noun.

Richard again - “These circular paths are a way of learning and praying through movement instead of through thinking”
“Labyrinths seem to have emerged from the collective unconscious, representing a clear path to the center, to the Divine.”  
“The turning circuits of a labyrinth remind us that life is change and transformation, and repentance.”

I believe that a labyrinth can possibly be seen as a man’s path to contemplation - Please forgive the stereotype - but it IS a Walking path..

The final analysis as to an “Instruction” in walking a Labyrinth, in my opinion, is to:
RELEASE - on the path inward your cares!
MEDITATE - in the Center (on the Divine)
RECIEVE - on the path outward (from the Divine)          

As to Construction:

Construction materials are as varied as the developer desires, but the most common are concrete stamped or inlayed, paver stones, bricks, rock(more natural), or other boarder materials such as logs or low edging plants (Thyme or Lavender).  The pathway in like manor is wide open but should be user friendly - width and smooth surface (fine bark or decomposed granite are good)
Especially if outdoors labyrinths are considered a touch point with nature, the Earth and Creation which many consider to essentially be the First bible.

Many have a cartological orientation of NSEW but not always (based on site limitations). Mine usually do.

Numerology or specific numbers have been used in much scripture and I have used them myself.  7/10

Some have used Sacred Geometry in planning their structure but has not been my experience.  Only say that one could use the ratio of the Golden Mean, 1.618, in sizing the circuits, result in expanding concentric circles would be interesting to install. Phi is found in many natural events and structures.  In philosophic circles the Golden Mean is a middle point or path and a way of expressing non duality in life.  ***

Actual shapes vary the world over as we are about to see.  You will find examples in virtually every culture and era in human history and pre history.
 *** The “Classical” style has 7 circuits (representing the 7 stages of life) and is most often associated with ancient Greece.  However seven circuits may be of different styles.

Some examples of other unique Labyrinth type structures are:

The Mayan culture
The North American Medicine Wheel ***
The Tibetan Mandala ***
A  "johnny come lately" is the French 11 circuit “Chartes” style which has actually become one of the most popular in the West.  My angst with width of paths could actually be an opportunity.
Other notably distinctive patterns from the Labyrinthcompany.com website include;
***The “Baltic Spiral” which is very useful for a continual flow in and out.

*** A “Ceremonial” style which is designed to allow two individuals to take separate paths to the center and then exit a third entry together.

Take a look at the three I’ve been instrumental in installing and then we are going to build one together.

*** Sherita’s first specific memorial is in Ashland, Oregon.  It is of a five circuit (because of available space) Neoclassical Chelsea design (Labyrinth Co) incorporating a water feature (symbolizing the life sustaining nature of God) and a Granite bench in the center.  The hardscape is utilizing paver stones and several memorial plaques. *** ***

***Sherita’s seven circuit on Mahaulepu beach is constructed of 99.9% native rocks and is in probably one of the best places on earth for meditation and community with God.  My son Michael and I mostly installed over 5 days on what would have been our 10th .  Renamed that bluff “Momilani Kai” Heavenly Pearl by the Sea.  ***  ***

The third is basically the same pattern *** but dramatically different in many ways.  It is still in process, and will be for sometime.  It is called a “Franciscan Style” as the path wanders between trees and boulders instead of needlessly removing them, hence attempting to honor nature.  The labyrinth may be walked in silence OR there are some “cookies” with inspirational quotes for reflection…***  ***  ***

Our exercise is a seven circuit classic from “Labrinthos”.  The materials are one rope, sand, wooden stakes and empty milk jugs.

Resource List:


labyrinth locater.com

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Wisdom's Way Beyond Words


Please reflect on the post above by Richard even as you read these mere words.  Happy Love! Happy Peace! Happy Community! in 2015....and beyond!  Paz y Amore! RV

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Welcome Charlotte Alexandria Creese

January 10th see's the arrival of my new grand daughter Charlotte Alexandria Creese in Denver to proud parents Alexandria and Tim.  Welcome to the world, Princess!  

Both of your names infer that you are a "helper of mankind" and a "strong feminine leader".  I see great opportunities for your generation in service to mankind, in spite of all our problems.  Bless You my darling and my blessings on your parents as they guide you in the coming years.  I hope to be available to you as well for many years to come.  Love All Ways!  Grandpa!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

By Try Grace

The video/chant above is a beautiful musical path to sensing the beauty of All
creation.  I am not familiar with many spiritual paths in this world and do not feel especially comfortable in the presence of unfamiliar languages.  However I believe that trying to appreciate the similar goals of all mature spiritual seekers is one small step toward understanding, in spite of cultural and linguistic differences.
This past week saw a terrorist attack in Paris, France.  The perpetrators were identified with radical Islamic sects and were attacking a publishing house which they viewed as being defaming of their path.  Several interesting events happened during this ordeal.  In the initial attack in which a dozen or more were killed, one of the dead was identified as being a fellow Muslim, collateral damage or just a different sect.
Several Muslim Imams from France were visiting Pope Francis at the
Vatican.  In a joint statement they denounced the terrorist acts of hate and at the same time admonished poor judgement in publishing which defames others beliefs.
The most significant event occurred on this past Sunday when more people took to the streets in peaceful support of Islam and free press than took to the streets on VE day at the end of WWII.

All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.  Love Wins! All Ways!  Paz Christo!
RV  P.S. - When looking at this post it appears that I misspelled the title of By Thy Grace.  Then I thought more about it and decided that the title sounded just fine :0)

Saturday, January 3, 2015

2015 and Beyond

Happy New Year! Paz y Amor!

Language is such an interesting part of being human.  The use of words and the ability to put them together forming some forms of communication as well as formulating abstract concepts is part of what our heritage tells us is "being created in the image of God".  As beautiful as this is it is also indicative of one of our greatest limitations to relate to and describe that very God.  God who is a mystery and beyond our finite ability to adequately describe. It is kinda cool that we keep trying as long as we do not get so wrapped up in the thought that God meant for His ultimate "Word"  to be written in "King James English". :0).  
Hence the reason for the heading for this post.  It appears to me that the "romance" languages may have a leg up on my native tongue as far as partially capturing the essence of a beautiful carol of the Incarnation, Silent Night.  

This kind of dials into what I mentioned earlier regarding the lack of the word "Love" in any of the foundational creeds of  Christendom.  God who is Love according to the Gospel of John would most likely have "inspired" one of those early church fathers to throw Love in the mix.  Maybe the problem is that we were talking about church fathers and not Mothers!

Anyhow I was very pleased when reading the Spanish translation of Silent Night.  In any language it is a beautiful song and sentiment.  In Spanish however it is a lot more vibrant and rich in meaning.  Silent Night,(quiet night) becomes Noche de Paz, (Night of Peace)!  And Holy Night,(pure or Not us night) becomes Noche de Amor, (Night of Love)!

May more of our nights and days be filled with Peace And Love in the coming year and may we all be guided in a path which can bring this prayer to fruition.  Paz y Amor!  RV